A MIAM is a mediation, information and assessment meeting and it is different from mediation.
A MIAM is a confidential one to one meeting with a mediator to discuss the circumstances and issues that are important to you. This information will not be shared with the other person or anyone else unless there is a safeguarding issue or concerns around money laundering.
A MIAM is a requirement for most people before making an application to court for either a Child Arrangements Order ( C100 ) or Application for a Financial Order ( Form A) . There are exceptions including those who have been victims of domestic abuse. Please see the Family Court procedure rules and Practice Directions here.
In the meeting , the mediator will assess your situation to ensure mediation is suitable, signpost you to other services if needed. They will also explain both the mediation process and alternative forms of dispute resolution or court proceedings. If you have children aged 10 and over the mediator will make you aware of Child Inclusive mediation.
At the meeting the mediator will identify if you are willing to take part in a mediation process or if alternative options are your preferred way forward.
The mediator will then contact the other person ( unless there are any restrictions on communication) to offer them the opportunity to attend their own MIAM.
If mediation is assessed as suitable, for both participants, and they are both willing to mediate, then an “agreement to mediate” will be sent out for you both to sign, and appointments made for a first mediation meeting.
If mediation is not suitable or one person does not willing to engage in mediation at the present time then you will be provided with a form signed by an authorised / certified mediator. This form will confirm you have attended a MIAM and enable you to commence legal proceedings in the family court.